Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What A Blessing

Well since it has been so long since I’ve updated I’m sure you have all figured it out……..

I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 weeks to be precise!!! 

We had to go ahead and tell our parents right off the bat of course. Since, it’s kind of a hard thing to hide when everyone knows what’s going on, we decided if we were asked we would tell.  Since our brothers live out of town we got away with waiting a couple weeks with them. Then we waited to tell extended family until 4th of July time. We had decided that we would wait to put it on the blog and Facebook until 12 weeks. So here we are at 12 week!!

At 2 weeks passed conception, so 4 weeks, I took a pregnancy test in the morning.  Ben and I both watched the test and the control line showed up right away and not the test line so I thought I wasn’t. I just threw it away and got back in bed very upset.  Ben crawled in there and rubbed my back and tried to comfort me before he started getting ready for work.  I fell back asleep. (Ben gets up a little after 5 for work, not I)  Then all of a sudden Ben wakes me before he was about to walk out the door. Apparently, he felt like he needed to dig the test out of the trash. So he did that, saw a very faint line, and then woke me up. I told him they say any line is a positive line.  He wasn’t too too convinced so he wanted to get another one for me to take the next morning.  Getting hopes up is always so easy to do and hurts so bad when they fall through so I think he was just trying to protect us.

He bought three tests after work J

My mom and Ashley both texted me the morning we took that first test.  I had to lie and just told them that it was a bad test, so we were going to try the next morning.

The next morning’s test was very clear that we were pregnant. YAY!!!! My mom and Ashley texted again and I sent them a pic of the test.  Ashley texted back all excited and my mom texted back with this big apology and words of encouragement. Oh my mother… soooo pretty.  (Family joke that we say when we do something dumb. It derives from “it’s a good thing you’re pretty cuz brains you are not”)  I called her and spent about 20 minutes trying to explain the test to my mom. Yes, she has taken them, she has 2 kids, and it took many months to get my brother so many tests in that time.  Oh well, she was of course very excited once she understood J

Then we called Debbie, our wonderful fertility nurse.  She was so excited too and scheduled me to come in for a sonogram two weeks later.

At that 6 wk mark we got to see the baby!!! It was unreal! We hadn’t seen the first one at all so this just made it so real.  (If the morning sickness wasn’t a giveaway) The regular sono tech did it, but Debbie came in to see how many took, because remember, I had four follicles.  She could not believe only one was in there.  No one else really could either.  Ben and my mom were just absolutely sure it was twins and Ashley kept thinking triplets.  I had even gotten ok with the idea of twins after the thought of triplets kept being brought up. Luckily no one thought of quads except me but that probably entered because one of Ben’s really close friends is a quad (NOT by fertility treatments).

We then got to have another sonogram at 8.5 weeks.  That’s when we got to hear the heartbeat!!! 166 bpm!!! Such a wonderful sound.  We both teared up.  We also had a 10wk appointment but that wasn’t anything exciting.

We are just so excited!!! With every bad symptom that I lovingly get is an amazing reminder of what is going on inside me. I didn’t have any of these symptoms with the first pregnancy so it has been an exciting ride.  But I’ll get into that later J

1 comment:

  1. Thrilled and can NOT wait to start documenting this new journey :D
