Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16, 2011 - please be a turning point

May has been a crazy emotional month.

Long story short on the April round of Clomid… no go. This hit me extremely hard. Harder than any other month before.

Also, my “bestie” Ashley gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on the 10th. I am not lying when I say beautiful by the way.

SO, this month we are “no longer insane,” as Ben says.   We are trying IUI this month. IUI stands for intrauterine insemination. After another 5 days a clomid and an injection to ovulate they take Ben’s sperm and do a “washing” of it and then with a catheter through my cervix they inject the washed sperm into my uterus. My nurse doesn’t see anything to cause my infertility so she is thinking that my cervix may be “a hostile environment” so IUI would allow the sperm to bypass my cervix, hopefully allowing me to get pregnant.

Side note: I went in today to check my follicles and get the shot. I had 4 mature follicles ranging in size from 19mm to 26mm.

We are doing this with insurance coverage YAAAAAAAAAY!!! Our infertility coverage starts today May 16th and we are doing the IUI procedure tomorrow, May 17th.  We are hoping this is a good sign because our anniversary is today!

It has been 3 years since I married my best friend in the whole entire world. It has been 8 years that we have been together. Yes, if you didn’t know, we got married on our 5 year anniversary. (keeping dates simple for Ben so he won’t ever forget, not that he would ;-D )  We went to Six Flags this past weekend to have a little fun and then had a special dinner at Simply Fondue tonight. It was fantastic! … both outings.  

I wanted to try to describe what kind of person Ben is in this post, but I am having a hard time.  I’m looking at him right now as he has fallen asleep on the couch while watching “How the states got their shape” with our Chihuahua cuddled up next to him. I think about how much we have gone through. I mean, we have always been extremely close and best friends since the time we started dating when I was 16 and he was 18. We reminisced tonight about when we each first had a crush on each other and knew we wanted to date the other. So long ago… ahhh simpler times… in the same breath we also discussed about what we are facing tomorrow and our deep desperate hope of becoming parents.  Ben is a guy that I really haven’t seen or heard of a match to.  Most think he’s a quiet guy. HA!!!!! People, this boy talks and talks and talks! I don’t know why everyone else doesn’t get to see this. One of the many wonders of the world. J  He is genuinely the nicest, most sweetest person in the world.  His dad is a very close second.  I am not sugar coating anything. He is a generous, compassionate, supportive in every way, and would do ANYTHING to make me happy. ANYTHING!!!!!! If I have the smallest wish to do/see/go/have/etc. something, he will and would do anything and everything he can do to make it happen.  He puts me and our families ALWAYS before himself.  He always bites his tongue if something comes up with anybody in any situation to keep peace.  He is extremely laid back so nothing he holds in really ever festers inside so he doesn’t really explode or get really mad in general. He also doesn’t hold grudges over any situation or person. Seriously, he is amazing! I just don’t know the best way to get this across. AHHHHHH He’s just super husband, and there is a reason that he is known as “Perfect Ben” in my family.  Of course, we know no one is perfect but seriously, this boy comes frighteningly close.

I L-O-V-E love you babe!!!!! I can’t wait to see you as a daddy!!!! Thank you for everything you do for me!!!

PS I know “most sweetest” isn’t grammatically correct but I was trying to emphasize a point J