Friday, December 30, 2011

24 weeks

Look at me 2 posts in one month!

So we had to have another sonogram done at 24 weeks to check to see if my placenta had moved up away from my cervix. Oh, I didn’t mention that on the 20 week post, did I?  I’m sorry. So apparently the placenta decided to attach a little low so it was about 2 cm from my cervix. Not too too big of a deal since the thought was that it would move up within the month as my uterus grew. It did. YAY!! And hey, we got a bonus sonogram that we might not have normally gotten. We were excited!

Then we had the regular appointment with my doctor and got a surprise… not a good kind either.  According to her they saw something at the 20 wk sono and just wanted to keep an eye on it and look at my 24 wk sono to see if it went away. It had not. What was it? Well I would have to go to a perinatologist for a definitive answer. My doctor said they were concerned it was an amniotic band but it didn’t seem to bother the baby. He wasn’t near it, nor was his growth being affected. Because of those reasons she thought it could be some sort of pocket of fluid that looked to be above the placenta area instead.  However, she wanted me to see the perinatologist to make sure it wasn’t an amniotic band which could be bad.

I didn’t really have time to research about what an amniotic band was since my appointment with the perinatologist was early the next week, so I didn’t really worry myself too bad.  I think Ashley telling me stories that she had heard of this particular doctor I was going to go see worried me more.  She and the doctors she works with and talked to about him are not big fans of his.  Thankfully I didn’t see him, I saw his associate. It turned out to not be an amniotic band, but rather a band of scar tissue from my miscarriage, and that it was in my uterus but not in the amniotic sac with our little guy so all was/is good. YAY!! Crisis averted J 

Side note: an amniotic band is from a partial rupture of the amniotic sac that can form fibrous bands that float in the amniotic fluid and can trap and constrict limbs of the baby. It can cause serious malformations and deformities in the baby.  One of my aunt’s sitters’ brother is paralyzed from amniotic band syndrome. She also told me about another child she knew that their head had been constricted so was severely deformed and blind.  I am so glad I didn’t do research or talk to her before I had that appointment.   

So for the fun part… pictures!!!!

Rooting for our Rangers in the World Series!!

Isn’t he just the cutest thing ever!?!?! I know!!! He totally is!!! :D

Monday, December 12, 2011

20 weeks

Ummm… so I guess I’m pretty awful. I said I was going to be better and I was worse. Oh well I’ll just have to be awesome now. (hmm we’ll see)

So, if you didn’t notice on facebook, we had our 20 week sonogram on September 20th and found out the baby looks healthy and that….It’s a boy!!! Definitely a boy!!

We were also surprised with some 3D shots of our little boy! They had just gotten new systems/computers/sonogram-whatever-ness ;) so we weren’t expecting that until they just switched it over to 3D, it was so exciting!

Here is a belly pic just a couple days before we had our sonogram.