Tuesday, January 31, 2012

3rd Trimester

Whoa, the third trimester has flown by…like super fast.

I couldn’t believe how fast the 2nd trimester went either!  But, I swear, the third went even faster. I think the holidays helped with that!

Before I got pregnant my blood pressure was on the higher side… higher for someone with my build, activity level, and age.  So, needless to say, my doctor has been keeping a close eye on it during the pregnancy.  From the very beginning it has been amazing!!!! (110s-120s over 60s) Like 20 lower than my normal. However, once I hit the 3rd trimester, my blood pressure went waaaaaay up. Whomp whomp L  So, instead of coming in every two weeks, I had to start coming in once a week, starting at around 30 weeks.  Every now and then, at an appointment, it would be in my “pre-pregnancy normal” (120s over 80s) yes, high, but not too bad.  Well then at my 35 week appointment it went way high at 145 over 104, or something like that (she took it a couple times).  She wanted me on modified bed rest. She said she wanted to get me to hopefully 37 weeks and assess there to see if we could get to 38 weeks. However I was still working at the time. I talked it over with Ashley (friend whose son I watch), prayed about it and put it totally in God’s hands, and moments later… Ashley made the decision for me J So the week of January 8th I was on bed rest… well, modified so I still did some things.

Then at my 36 week appointment, my bp was high again and she sent me straight to the hospital.  I wasn’t having any symptoms; headaches, seeing spots, swelling.  I also was not having protein showing up in my urine sample at the office. So she wanted me to go to the women’s center triage to monitor my bp for an hour and they would determine if I needed to be admitted for a 24 hour urine collection to fully test for dumping of protein and monitor my blood pressure. Then, based on that collection and bp, they would decide to deliver then or not.  I freaked out a bit about going to the hospital and the chance of delivering… blood pressure was not good in triage. So they admitted me. Luckily, after the 24 hour urine collection (and MY doctor being the on call dr after those 24 hours) I wasn’t dumping protein and my doctor told me I could go home on strict bed rest and we would try very hard to get to 38 weeks and most likely won’t be able to go past that……..


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